Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Bibliography

    3. The Thinkific App | Mobile Access to the Institute

    1. Introduction

    2. 1 | What is a Deacon?

    3. 2 | Church and World

    4. 3 | The Shape of Diaconal Ministry

    5. 4 | The Deacon in Everyday Life

    6. 5 | Foundations: Prayer and Love

    7. 6 | Memory and Hope

    8. Conclusion

    1. David J. Goa | The Royal Priesthood

    2. Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry | The Lima Document

    3. The Fittingness of Holy Orders | Brad East

    4. On the Sacred Liturgy | Vatican 2's Sacrosanctum Concilium

    1. Live Class

    1. Written Reflection

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 17 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content