Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Reading List

    3. The Thinkific App | Mobile Access to the Institute

    1. The Quadrilateral: Scripture

    2. Lecture One

    1. The Creed (Part 1)

    2. The Creed (Part 2)

    3. Lecture 2

    4. Richard Beck | The Psychology of Christianity

    1. The Creed (Part 3)

    2. The Creed (Part 4)

    3. Lecture Three

    4. Rowan Williams | What is Divine Power?

    1. Lecture 1: Creeds, Scripture, and their Modern Alienation

    2. Lecture 2: The Tanakh as Christian Scripture

    3. Lecture 3: The New Testament and Regula Fidei

    4. Lecture 4: The Apostles' Creed

    5. Lecture 5: The Creed as Critical Theory of Scripture

    6. Lecture 6: Genesis 1 and Luke 1

    1. Live Discussion

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 10.5 hours of video content